PG Diploma


PG Diploma in Clinical Music Therapy
Academy conducts the only Clinical Music therapy course in the country with the  aim to

  • Provide students with the knowledge, experience and skills to work as a professional music therapist within a range of clinical settings as a qualified Clinical Music Therapy Practitioner at the professional level.
  • Provide students with a thorough theoretical basis for practice and research in music therapy through appropriate clinical placements and to give close clinical supervision and support.

For details

Seminars and workshops
Working to bridge the gap between institutions and individuals in need of therapy and the practicing and potential therapists ? the academy organizes regular seminars and workshops.

Every month a Delhi level learning event takes place.

A drum circle is organized every month which is open for all. For details write to "The Music Therapy Trust"

photoarrow National Resource Center

The Music Therapy Academy also serves as the National Resource Centre on Clinical Music Therapy . It aims to reach out to Medical practitioners, University departments that specialize in related fields, artists from various disciplines, therapists. It aims to serve as a platform for individuals to develop their capacities, network and work towards attitudinal shift and rally for  larger policy changes.

  All contents © copyright 2013, The Music Therapy Trust India, New Delhi India All rights reserved.
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